The airports across Hubei handled a total of 457,900 passenger trips and 3,714 flights during the just-ended May Day holiday, which respectively rose by 8.58 percent and 17.12 percent over the same period in 2019, Hubei Airport Group said on May 4, 2023.
Out of total, the airports in Wuhan, Ezhou, Enshi and Jingzhou saw record daily passenger throughput.
During the holiday, Wuhan Tianhe Airport handled 2,977 flights and 381,800 passenger trips, an increase of 9.57 percent and 3.27 percent compared with the same period in 2019. On April 28 alone, passenger throughput in the airport peaked at 90,000 trips, hitting a new high.
The Ezhou Huahu Airport has handled 109 flights, 7,488 passengertrips and 231.67 tons of cargo and mail throughput. The passenger throughput reached 2,042 trips on April 29, breaking single-day passenger flow records. (en.hubei.gov.cn by Ruan Xinqi)
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